What is the purpose of this blog?
If you are reading this, then I am assuming you came here with some interest in one of the blog entries posted. As with all blogs, the content of this one will certainly transform over time as various issues are touched upon. The blog is being started as an outlet to voice opinions on the political landscape of the United States. I hope it encourages readers to look beyond the media headlines and sound bites. I hope it challenges you to not blindly label yourself a Democrat or Republican. This blog is meant to encourage everyone to shape their own beliefs and values; to see beyond the rhetoric and the pandering; and to begin choosing leaders based on character and conviction. I am not trying to change your view on any particular issue except maybe how you view the current political system.
At some point, this blog will address what I see as a clear need for a Third Political Party. To those who belong to or affiliate with an existing party other than the Republican and Democrat, please do not take that as a slight of those parties. I will explain this in more detail as the blog builds, and I will be open to hearing arguments on both sides of this at that time.
Who is the blogger?
Everyone has biases. Here is where I confess some of mine. I am a Caucasian, Male, mid forties, southern, Christian, financial professional, middle income, married blogger. My views on issues tend to be "right of center". I am for smaller more focused government, but I also believe in less government infringement on personal rights. Like anyone and everyone, my viewpoint will undoubtedly reveal the filter of these biases; so I offer them up clearly in advance.
The blog is under a pen name. This is to maintain that the views expressed here are those of the blogger and not my employer or even my family. While I do not foresee any topics being controversial, I would not want debate or conversation around them creating a distraction at times I am being paid to do my regular full time job.
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